The priest, the door and the rock

The door and the priest***

When I was born in my home they presented me three options: a priest, a rock and a door.
The priest used to push the door using the rock. The rock was a mountain and I went growing to reach its altitude.

The priest always small did not construct his house on that rock. One little rock rolled from the top of the mountain where there was a cross.

Then they opened me the door and I saw all the goods of the world. Then I followed this choice and it made me to grow less. From now on I did not see the peak of the mountain anymore.

I moved away from the house, from the rock. (The priest followed me on this way). The rock cried.

I chose a way and wanted to abandon it. I have frustrated the priest’s dreams and it died to me.

The door that opened, considering that it was closed before, was a finite common benefit. The Land’s good were finished. All the priests were finished in wars. But on the rock there was a firm cross in sunset light. A cross that called me…
I came back without the priest, to the rock and closed the door.

*The Rock*

2 comentários:

Daniely disse...

"O caminho mais fácil nem sempre é melhor que o da dor"



moniquerosabrasil disse...

Essa frase é minha??

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